

  • Misconduct of any student either in spoken or written form or any action that has the effect of harming others.
  • Indulging in undisciplined activities that cause physical or psychological harm or fear or apprehension.
  • Asking others to do things that they normally will not do and causes a sense of shame or emotional embarrassment.
  • Any act that disrupts others academic activity.
  • Financial extortion or forceful monetary burden on a fresher or any other student.
  • Any act of physical abuse including sexual, homosexual assaults stripping of clothes, forcing obscene lewd acts and gestures causing physical and mental torture.
  • Any act of abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, public insults to derive sadistic pleasure.
  • Any act that affects the mental health and self confidence of any student with or without intent to derive sadistic pleasure or priority over others.

VEL TECH HIGH TECH Dr.RANGARAJAN Dr.SAKUNTHALA ENGINEERING COLLEGE does have an Anti-ragging committee headed by Principal as per the mandate of AICTE. This Committee comprise of faculty members, non-teaching staff and one Police official.  The Institution makes the students understand, at the time of admission, that ragging is an offence and is punishable. Each of the student of the College and his/her parents and, or Guardian are hereby required to submit a combined undertaking at the time of admission, in the prescribed format which is mandatory for admission.

All concerned officials of the College, students, parents & guardians of the students, members of Anti-ragging committees & Anti-ragging squads are hereby requested to adhere to the stipulations and effectively monitor and comply with the provisions made in the directives.

Students involved in ragging are prone to imprisonment and suspension from the Institution. Hoardings are displayed across the campus including hostel premises to prohibit anti-ragging. Anti-ragging complaint boxes are placed in different places in the university and hostels. Students are at liberty to write their complaints and drop it in it for further action. The drop boxes are checked periodically and remedial actions are carried out to resolve the issue.

Any kind of ragging is strictly banned in the college/hostel premises of Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College. In this matter we believe in having Zero Tolerance. If anybody found indulged in such kind of activities, strict action will be taken against him. Ragging in any Educational Institution is a punishable offence.

The Powers and Functions of Anti Ragging Committee
  • To uphold and comply with the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and be vigilant on nay acts amounting to ragging.
  • To publicize to all students and prevalent directives and the actions that can be taken against those indulging in ragging.
  • To consider the complaints received from the students and conduct enquiry and submit report to the Anti- Ragging Committee along with punishment recommended for the offenders.
  • Oversee the procedure of obtaining undertaking from the students in accordance with the provisions.
  • Conduct workshops against ragging menace and orient the students.
  • To provide students the information pertaining to contact address and telephone numbers of the person(s) identified to receive complaints/distress calls.
  • To offer services of counselling and create awareness to the students.
  • To take all necessary measures for prevention of Ragging inside the Campus/ Hostels.
Administrative action in the event of ragging
  • Cancellation of admission.
  • Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  • Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship and other benefits.
  • Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process.
  • Withholding results.
  • Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc..
  • Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel.
  • Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters.
  • Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.






Prof. Dr. E. Kamalanaban




Ms. D. Sasikala


Thasildar, Avadi


Ms. C. Thanammal

Inspector of Police

Inspector of Police


Mr. S. Ragothoman

Representative from Local media



Mr.Senthil Kumar

Official NGO

CEO of The Association of People with Disability (APD), India


Dr. V. R. Ravi


Dean Academics


Dr. B. Bharathiraja


Dean R & D


Dr. R. Suresh


Dean T & P


Dr. J. B. Veeramalini


Dean Mentoring


Mr. K. Rajendran


Boys Hostel Warden


Mrs. R. Tharani


Girls Hostel Warden


Mr. M. Janganathan (VH13400)


I Year Student (Boy)


Ms. A. Sibi Praveena (VH13301)


I Year Student (Girl)


Mr. B. Charan (VH11911)


II Year Student (Boy)


Ms. G. Dossa Dharshini (VH11911)


II Year Student (Girl)


Mr. R. Balaji

Representative from Parents (Male)

Private Sector


Associated activities / functions:

  • To widely publicize the laws that prohibit ragging and highlight its harmful consequences.
  • To discuss preventive measures and outline steps to identify offenders and ensure they face appropriate punishment.
  • To address acts of abuse, including verbal insults, emails, social media posts, or public humiliation, which may involve deriving perverse pleasure or sadistic thrill from actively or passively causing discomfort to freshmen or other students.

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