

Functions, Powers and duties of ABS and CCC
  • TTo uphold the commitment of Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College to provide campus environment free of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and other acts of gender-based violence.
  • To promote a social and psychological environment which will raise awareness about gender based discrimination and prevent sexual harassment and other acts of gender based violence.
  •  To generate awareness about gender based discrimination, sexual harassment and other acts of gender based violence.

The Apex Committee shall, with the approval of the Principal of the College:

  • Evolve a permanent mechanism for prevention and redressal of gender based discrimination, sexual harassment and other acts of gender based violence.
  • Promote gender equity, obliterate gender-bias, eliminate discrimination against women, prevent and protect women from sexual harassment and gender-based violence.
  • Take measures necessary for creating a social and psychological environment for harmonious and healthy relationship at workplace.
  • Shall design and organize awareness campaigns, gender-sensitization programmes, orientation and training for sensitizing the students, staff and teachers of the College about gender-based discrimination and workplace harassment.
  • Organize counselling, guidance and help centres aimed at preventing and protecting women against discrimination and sexual harassment.
  • Frame and issue policies and guidelines of good conduct and behaviour amongst the students, staff, and teachers of the college.
  • Take suo-motu cognizance of any act of gender discrimination, gender bias and sexual harassment on the campus and direct the Complaint Committee to look into the matter and make their recommendations for their redressal.
College Complaint Committee (CCC)

For effective and efficient discharge of the complaints against sexual harassment, the College shall have a College Complaint Committee (CCC) consisting of the following members:

  • One of the Members of Apex Committee to be appointed by the Principal, who shall be the chairperson.
  • Three persons to be appointed by the Principal from amongst the women teachers of the College.
  • One person to be nominated by the Principal from amongst the women non-teaching staff of the College.
  • The chairperson and members shall hold office, as such, for a term of two years from the date on which they assume office or till such time as the Principal may decide from time to time.

The Complaint Committee shall have the rights and duties to:

  • Receive and register, in strict confidentiality, complaints from students, staff and teachers of the College and/or from any other person from outside the college against sexual harassment by a student, staff, teacher, service provider of the College.
  • Request the college authorities to initiate necessary action for lodging complaint with the appropriate authorities, in case of sexual harassment by an outsider, i.e., by a person or persons unconnected with the College.
  • Take cognizance of complaints about sexual harassment, and conduct enquiries, provide assistance and redressal to the victims and recommend penalties and other action to be taken; and.
  • Conduct a formal enquiry against the student/teacher/non-teaching staff /service provider of the College allegedly involved in a case on the basis of its findings during the preliminary enquiry maintaining strict confidentiality.

Sexual harassment shall include any such unwelcomed behavior(whether directly or by implication) as:

  • Unwanted physical contact and advances.
  • A demand or request for sexual favours.
  • Sexually-coloured remarks
  • Displaying pornography.

Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature

Procedure for Filing Complaints with the CCC

  • The complaint may be oral or in writng. If it is oral, it shall be recorded in writng by the receiving authority.
  • Complaints to be registered in strict confidentially.
  • Taking cognizance of complaints about sexual harassment, the CCC shall conduct enquiries, provide assistance and redressal to the victims, and recommend penalties and other action to be taken
    1. Any student resident, service provider, outsider, faculty member or non-teaching staff may file a complaint of sexual harassment against a student, resident, service provider,outsiders, faculty members or non-teaching-staff.
    2. The party may lodge a complaint directly to the Chairman-CCC, or to any member ofthe CCC.
    3. The complaint may be oral or in writing. If it is oral, it shall be put into writing by the CCC.
  • The CCC may hear both the parties (Complaint and the accused) in a manner as it may deem appropriate, and determine the course of action that the situation merits.
  • The CCC will be responsible for conducting a formal enquiry against the student/teacher/non-teaching staff member/service provider allegedly involved in a case on the basis of its findings during the preliminary enquiry.
  • Depending upon the severity of the case, the College Complaint Committee may
    1. In case of employees of the College, recommend disciplinary action including penalty and punishment as per college rules
    2. In case of outsiders/service providers to the College, request the college authorities to initiate necessary action for lodging complaint with the appropriate authorities; and
    3. In case of students, the penalty, punishment and disciplinary action against the offender may include:
      1. Warning
      2. Written Apology
      3. Fine in cash
      4. Bond of good behaviour
      5. Debarring entry into hostel/campus
      6. Expulsion from the college
      7. Denial of re-admission


1 Dr.J.B.Veeramalini Chairperson Asso. Prof/Chemical Engg.
2 Dr.M.Malleswari Convener Prof & HOD/IT Dept.
3 Dr.V.R.Ravi Member Prof & Dean Academics/ECE Dept.
4 Dr.N.Gayathri Member Asso. Prof/Mechanical Dept.
5 Ms.Keerthika B Counsellor Institution Counsellor

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